this is a question that I hope is convered in the literature on transparency logs, but what meaning do we assign to a single, isolated, cosignature?
If we have a *sequence* of cosigned tree heads (signed by a particular witness, ordered by increasing tree size), then each cosignature says that all tree leafs in previous cosigned trees are present in later trees. But a sigsum client only sees a single cosigned tree head, not the sequence. In particular, consider the case of the first cosignature of a particular witness, with no history.
So what exactly does that signature mean?
I suspect there are maybe some underlying assumptions or policys that should be spelled out somewhere.
Is this an reasonably accurate description? When I see a leaf node accompanied by a cosigned treehead and an inclusion proof leading up to that head, then I expect that the witness will raise some alarm if, sometime in the future, the log attempts to publish a tree head where the leaf no longer is present?
In this case, a single cosignature doesn't make any claim about the state of the log, it just states that the witness has observed this state, and hence that the witness has the information needed to detect future inconsistencies. More concisely: An isolated cosignature (without history) does not make a claim about the state of the log, it makes a claim about the state of the witness.
Does that make sense?
Regards, /Niels